

Please click below to see the previous eTELIT newsletters that have been sent by email

25/06/2024 - June 2024 eTELIT




Inside this issue:

Have you moved or changed your details?

I am an electrician, do I need a cabling registration?

Tool thefts costing Vic tradies $20 million a year

Batteries are the environmental Achilles heel

Electrocution prompts strong warning against electrical DIY

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Inside this issue:

Authority to alter facilities in residential and small business premises

Reporting faulty cabling to ACMA

Cablers must now comply

TITAB Registrations

Dial Before You Dig has changed its name

Regional telecommunications still expensive and unreliable, review finds

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Inside this issue:

Regional Telecommunications Review

Ceiling Spaces - Danger!

Smart Wired Homes - Growth Area!

Phone Scams

How to Save Energy with Fibre Optic Networks?

TAFE NSW Students Being Equipped with Life Saving Skills

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MAY 2021

Inside this issue:

Fire stopping in multi level buildings

Telecommunications - The fourth utility as an essential service

Smarter safety tech needed to protect tradies as construction reopens

Introducing.......Smart Home Week 2021

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Inside this issue:

Installation requirements for Customer Cabling )Wiring rules AS/CA S009:2020)

NBN co-Authority to Alter Facilities in Residential and Small Business Premises

Communications Advisory Group (CAG)

TITAB website search

A snapshot of Industrial Manslaughter laws in Australia

Opportunities in the smart home sector

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MAY 2020

Inside this issue:

Improved results as telco complaints decline

Crossing over to cabling without the risk

Tradie financials around COVID-19

New Workplace Manslaughter Laws-Are you protected?

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NOV 2019

Inside this issue:

Industry Skills Problems Continue!

Home Wiring Essentials

Are you an Austel cabler?

Telco complaints down, but harder to fix

Fake tradesmen/Airtasker

Smart Wiring or Wi-fi?

Industry Code Update

Prevention of Falls

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May 2019

Inside This Issue:

-Industry Responses to the ACMA cabling review and the national VET Review-Where to from here?

-Registered Cablers website. Useful information for cablers and consumers!

-Is your registration expired?

-Workingin a roof space, WA and QLD regulations!

-Carriers, industry bodies urge ACMA to strengthen customer cabling regulations!

-$100,000 fine for Airtasker fake electrician!

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Volume 18, Issue 2- November 2018

Inside This Issue:

-ACMA Cabling Review and Consultation!

-"Smart Wiring" in telecopmmunications is OK for CPR registered cablers

-TITAB Website

-eTELIT references-New Cabling Standards

-Telstra requirements for depth of Cover for Underground Lead-in Cables, HFC Broadband Network

-Industry code for enterprises at the final stage!

-Meeting the training demands of industry

-Cabling Complaints

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Volume 18, Issue 1- May 2018

Inside This Issue:

-Telecommunications-Really the "Fourth Utility"!

-Passive Fire Protection Guides

-Security & Integrate shows

-CPR Registration-Upgrades, reapplications and address changes

-Telecommunications Training Package-Review underway!

-Mandated ACMA Technical Standards

-The NBN and You-Cabling requirements

-TCA1 orders-50% discount

-Coaxial Cable and Master Antenna TV (MATV)

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Volume 17, Issue 2- November 2017

Inside This Issue:

-Quality and Produictivity - Changes Needed!
-Unregistered Cablers - Beware!

-Have you changed your details?

-Review of Technical Standards S008 and S009

-Foxtel Coaxial Cable

-Power over Ethernet (PoE)- Cat 6 &6A

-Industry Code

-Who is to blame for lack of speed? (A cablers response)

-Electrical Connection Magazine-Still the best for cablers!

-Cabling Advisory Group reactivated with ADTIA

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Volume 17, Issue 1- May 2017

Inside This Issue:

-Customer Cabling, Compliance, Industry Regulation and the impact on Productivity!
-Telecommunications Occupations Removed from Favorable Visa (457) treatment

-Non -  Registered Cablers still a Problem

-Power over Ethernet (PoE) - ICT Training Package updated needed

-TITAB Resources

-Trade v University: A Breakdown of Employability, Costs and Earning Potential

-Factors that Affect your Internet Experience

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Volume 16, Issue 2- November 2016

Inside This Issue:

-Customer Cabling and Cablers - Under-rated!
-ACMA TCA1 Compliance Forms
-ACMA Audits and Inspections 2016/17

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Volume 16, Issue 1 - May 2016

Inside This Issue:

-Compliance.It's not hard to do, but it is essential!
-Updated TITAB Resources
-Protecting Small Businesses from Unfair Contract Terms

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